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Albums update:
Sade - love deluxe
Stevie Wonder - Songs in the Key of Life
Kendrick - Damn
Gojira - Magma
Amaarae - Fountain Baby
all of them are like 5/5 i've been listening to them up and down in the library but Gojira kind of emotional & nostalgic to me. been thinking abt how metal is encredibly camp in the way that it refuses to not be too much. would be so cute if there was a metal revival.
A few albums I've rly enjoyed lately:
Boards of Canada - Music has the Right to Children & Geogaddi
The Future Sound of London - Lifeforms
Odezenne - Dolziger Str. 2
100 gecs - 1000 gecs and The Tree of Clues
Nala Senephro - Space 1.8
I've been listening to this epiiic set the past few days. How many times can you listen to sth until it gets shit?